Welcome to CoSell Limited

CoSell specialises in the supply of commercial refrigeration solutions for retail stores, refrigeration dealers and corporate customers throughout New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Our aim is to provide the best product for your particular application at the best possible price. We have supply partnerships with a number of the worlds leading manufacturers of commercial refrigeration products, therefore if you can't find what you are looking for on our site please contact us with your enquiry and we'll let you know what options may be available from our extensive supplier network.

We look forward to your enquiry.

Browse our latest Catalgoue here or download it here.

CoSell now manufactures custom-made cabinets branded Debonair. Check out our new catalogue here. Custom sizing can be priced on enquiry.


Featured products

Procool UL1000AL(S)

$2,990.00 excl tax

Procool UL400AL

$1,845.00 excl tax

ICCOLD FC BS75 Chiller

$2,430.00 excl tax

ICCOLD FC BD126 Chiller

$3,495.00 excl tax

Dellware SC115

$1,095.00 excl tax

ICCOLD FC BT188 Chiller

$4,850.00 excl tax

Genova Multi-deck

The Genova Multi-deck has unique features typical of a full size supermarket case but with the flexibility of integral (plug-in) refrigeration. Features such as the low height front, reduced canopy and full depth 500mm shelves allow for a larger display area than typical integral multi-decks. The Genova Multi-deck is available in 4 lengths and can be multiplexed (joined) to make a virtually seamless line-up.

$9,950.00 excl tax

Sharecool GN2100TN Chiller

$3,150.00 excl tax

Counter Heated Top Display - Rotor RTR 160

Heated counter top display

$1,590.00 excl tax $1,113.00 excl tax